Japanese Mind Map
A huge mind map of all the Japanese I’ve learned, broken down by where the words came from.
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mindmap {{日本語}} ::icon(fa fa-circle) :::mm-nihongo Random words :::mm-random-words 明後日 あさって übermorgen or "the day after tomorrow" 😋 :::mm-uebermorgen 外人 がいじん foreigner :::mm-gaijin Body :::mm-body 手 て Hand :::mm-hand 毛 け Hair :::mm-hair Manners :::mm-manners めしあがれ enjoy your meal :::mm-enjoy Hiding your own opinion. :::mm-opinions 本音 ほんね Your true opinion :::mm-honne 音 おと Sound :::mm-oto 建前 たてまえ The culturally appropriate opinion :::mm-tatemae Grammar and spelling :::mm-grammar Some words are only a single mora. This bothers me. :::mm-one-mora 気 き Spirit :::mm-spirit 木 き Tree :::mm-tree 目 め Eye :::mm-eye 絵 え Picture :::mm-picture Many words are homonyms :::mm-homonym いちご :::mm-ichigo 苺 いちご Strawberry :::mm-strawberry 一号 いちご Number one "the best" :::mm-number-one Some Kanji have multiple readings. This too bothers me. :::mm-multiple-kanji-readings 新しい あたらしい New :::mm-atara-reading 新 しん :::mm-shin-reading [ Some characters in Katakana are very close to each other ソ so - ン n ツ tsu - シ shi ] :::mm-sontsushi Technology :::mm-tech [パソコン pasokon - perso-nal com-puter] :::mm-pasokon Math and Numbers :::mm-math 七: なな and しち both mean 7, but しち sounds like death, so isn't always used :::mm-shichi Music :::mm-music Other Music :::mm-other-music [ 新宝島 しんたからじま https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LIlZCmETvsY ] :::mm-shin-takarajima 新 しん new. Often used in names such as 新宿 しんじゅく :::mm-shin [ 宝島 たからじま Treasure Island しま becomes じま in a compound word I guess ] :::mm-takarajima Aiobahn :::mm-aiobahn INTERNET YAMERO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51GIxXFKbzk :::mm-internet-yamero-aiobahn 止めろ やめろ STOP :::mm-aibahn-yamero 宙でおやすみ ちゅうでおやすみ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3z8y7enYB30 :::mm-chuu-de-oyasumi [ 夢に落ちる ゆめにおちる Falling into a dream ] :::mm-yume-ni-ochiru [ 空が落ちる そらがおちる The sky is falling ] :::mm-sora-ga-ochiru 鹿乃 Kano :::mm-kano I can't write her name easily. The first Kanji is しか and the second appears with かの as you might expect :::mm-kano-kanji Has a very calming voice :::mm-kano-desc HOPE https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm34341377 :::mm-kano-hope [ 本当の君の顔 ほんとうのきみのかお Your true face ] :::mm-kano-hontou-no-kimi-no-kao 君 きみ You, familiar :::mm-kano-kimi 本当 ほんとう True :::mm-kano-hontou 顔 かお face :::mm-kano-kao [ 本当の自分 ほんとうのじぶん true self ] :::mm-kano-hontou-no-jibun Pop Music :::mm-pop-music [ 初音ミク はつねみく Hatsune Miku ] :::mm-hatsune-miku [ 初音 はつね First warbling of the New Year ] :::mm-hatsune ミク Miku https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dYB0xfE7qs :::mm-miku エビチャーハン - You're saying a shrimp fried this rice!? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s742C0v5SFI :::mm-youre-saying-a-shrimp-fried-this-rice You can't escape Shrimp Miku https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EgCJhuOmW6Y :::mm-shrimp-miku-sees-you-when-youre-sleeping 海老 えび Shrimp :::mm-ebi 炒飯 ちゃーはん Cha-han https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chahan_%28dish%29 :::mm-cha-han YOASOBI :::mm-yoasobi [ 夜 よる Night 遊び あそび Play ] :::mm-yoasobi-meaning YOASO鼻 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D2VryLndqhg :::mm-yoaso-bi 鼻 はな Means nose, but sounds like bi in Chinese. :::mm-hana-bi [ 怪物 かいぶつ Monster BEASTARS opening song ] :::mm-kaibutsu [ 強くならたい つよくなりたい ] :::mm-tsuyoku-naritai 強い つよい To be strong or resilient :::mm-tsuyoi なりたい To want to become something :::mm-kaibutsu-naritai [ Minami 美波 みなみ ] :::mm-minami ZUTOMAYO https://zutomayo.net/ :::mm-zutomayo [ 優しく Last Smile やさしく Last Smile Kind Last Smile ] :::mm-yasashiku-last-smile [ 優しくなりたい I want to be kind https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-z0-W61xLw ] :::mm-yasashiku-naritai [ 本当は十一時に寝たんだ ほんとうはじゅういちじにねたんだ ] :::mm-hontou-wa-juuichi-ji-ni-netanda 本当 ほんとう Truth :::mm-yasashiku-hontou 十一 じゅういち Eleven :::mm-yasashiku-juuichi 時 じ Hour, o'clock :::mm-yasashiku-ji に Particle indicating movement or pointing to where or when :::mm-yasashiku-ni 寝た ねた Was sleeping :::mm-yasashiku-neta んだ Explanation particle :::mm-yasashiku-nda もりもり has some cool ZUTOMAYO shitpost videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7t3aYNmUQww :::mm-morimori 歌声 うたごえ Singing voice. :::mm-utagoe 声 こえ Voice :::mm-koe 歌 うた Song :::mm-uta [ ACAねさんの歌声はきれいです ACA-ne-san's singing voice is beautiful. ] :::mm-acane-no-utagoe My favorite J-Pop band :::mm-liebe-zutomayo はゔぁ Have a :::mm-hava [ tell me tell me crunchy crunchy crunchy crunchy crunchy crunchy なあああああ ] :::mm-hava-crunchy Song has a really weird name with vu ゔ :::mm-vu 物語 ものがたり Story :::mm-monogatari [ 洞窟の物語 どうくつのものがたり Cave Story https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cave_Story ] :::mm-cavestory 胸の煙 むねのけむり https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQPgM-9LatM :::mm-mune-no-kemuri [ My favorite line: 辛いより、もっと辛いより it's painful, more than painful ] :::mm-tsurai-yori 辛い つらい painful or spicy :::mm-tsurai I saw this word in Japanese restaurants :::mm-tsurai-spotted 花一匁 はないちもんめ :::mm-hana-ichi-monme [ It's a game played by schoolchildren. Two teams play じゃんけん, rock paper scissors, against each other, one player at a time. There's also a song chanted between each round. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FdxspRjiEjs ] :::mm-hana-ichi-monme-desc 宵々古今 よいよいここん by REOL also mentions this game https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8IK6eLTNV1k :::mm-hana-yoiyoi-kokon こんなこと騒動 こんなことそうどう https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlA-Z7zSLHU :::mm-konna-koto-soudou [ My favorite part of the song: いつしか現れる 同じ熱の途方もない憂いにも いつしか助けられる まだ諦めの**悪い夢**に頼ってしまうから ] :::mm-endless-sorrow 悪い わるい Bad. :::mm-warui ワルイージ Waluigi gets his name from this word. https://mario.fandom.com/de/wiki/Waluigi :::mm-waruigi 夢 ゆめ Dream ###mm-yume-ni-ochiru :::mm-yume [ ばかじゃないのに Even though I'm not stupid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YgmFIVOR1-I ] :::mm-baka-janai-noni ばか Stupid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNeyqFfXf7k :::mm-baka じゃない Negating the adjective :::mm-janai 「靴に石入っても」 Even if a stone gets into my shoes :::mm-kutsu-ni-ishi 靴 くつ Shoes :::mm-kutsu 靴下 くつした Socks :::mm-kutsushita 上着 うわぎ Jacket :::mm-uwagi に Particle marking movement to something. Similar to nach :::mm-ni 石 いし Stone :::mm-ishi 入って Enter, go into :::mm-haitte も Particle which has a meaning of also :::mm-mo BTS :::mm-bts They sing Japanese songs too, even though they're Korean https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9IHwqdz8Xhw :::mm-bts-japanese-korean Youtubers :::mm-youtubers Kaname Naito :::mm-kaname-naito やつ Random object or derogatory reference to person https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ROcSmpXFEn8 :::mm-yatsu-kaname [ In the song 暗く黒く くらくくろく by ZUTOMAYO: やつが暗く黒く やつがくらくくろく ] :::mm-yatsu-ga-kuraku-kuroku やつ That thing :::mm-yatsu 暗く くらく Dark :::mm-kuraku 黒く くろく Black :::mm-kuroku 暗く黒く Pitch black, very dark :::mm-kuraku-kuroku-explanation Vtubers :::mm-vtubers [ 森カリオペ Mori Calliope https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XW3-enNF1-4 ] :::mm-mori-calliope Left for Dead Lullaby :::mm-lullaby 愛の唄でおやすみよ :::mm-lullaby-ai-no-uta-de 愛 あい Love :::mm-lullaby-ai 唄 うた Song, only traditional :::mm-lullaby-唄 歌 うた、Song, any song :::mm-lullaby-歌 おやすみ Rest、Sleep :::mm-oyasumi [ 未来島 みらいしま Future Island - One Piece https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Sb4wxbHh-4 ] :::mm-mirai-shima [ 未来最高 みらいさいこう "The future rules" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AsDleJoDnjE ] :::mm-mirai-saikou I don't like the song that much, but it's funny how Mori exaggerates the pronunciation of 正義 せいぎ :::mm-seigi-exaggerate 正義 せいぎ Justice :::mm-seigi The Marines in One Piece have this written on their uniforms https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/Justice :::mm-marine-seigi まさよし is an alternate reading of 正義 used as a family name :::mm-masayoshi [ Gawr Gura AKA Gooba https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7U6eHY1M9WM ] :::mm-gooba 強風オールバック https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMQ4P-vI3JI :::mm-gooba-kyoufuu [ 強風 きょうふう A windstorm ] :::mm-starkwind [ オールバック all back ] :::mm-orubakku [ 天気はいいのに進めない Even though the weather is nice I can't proceed ] :::mm-tenki-wa-ii-noni-susumenai 天気 てんき Weather :::mm-tenki は Subject particle :::mm-ha いい Good. Can sound suggestive in the wrong context :::mm-ii のに Particle "even though" :::mm-noni -ない Negates the verb :::mm-nai 進め すすめ To proceed or move forward :::mm-susume [ in ZUTOMAYO's song 「秒針を噛む」 they also use this word 「本当を知らないまま**進む**のさ」 I'm moving forward without knowing the truth ] :::mm-zutomayo-forward-truth 本当 ほんとう Truth :::mm-hontou を Particle that indicates the object of the verb :::mm-wo 知ら しら I know :::mm-shira のさ Filler particle used in songs :::mm-nosa [ 小鳥遊キアラ Takanashi Kiara https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G8qlak8h_wo ] :::mm-takanashi-kiara [ 小さい ちいさい Small 鳥 とり Bird 遊ぶ あそぶ Play. YOASOBI ] :::mm-small-bird-play いいやーいいやーいいやー https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5yfM_UlucY :::mm-iiya-song いいや A dismissive phrase."Psh. Whatever" :::mm-iiya-word [ 能天気スタイル のうてんき Style a laid-back and carefree style ] :::mm-noutenki-style 天気 てんき Weather :::mm-tenki-2 犬神ころね Inugami Korone https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RoSs9-NDP3E :::mm-inugami-korone [ 犬神 いぬがみ A dog god created by torturing a dog. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inugami ] :::mm-inugami 指 ゆび finger https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3eXwtHDze88 :::mm-yubi 犬 いぬ dog :::mm-inu [ 犬がいます。 There is a dog. ] :::mm-inu-yes [ 犬がいません。 There is no dog. ] :::mm-inu-no [ 神がいます。 There is a god. ] :::mm-kami-yes [ 神がいません。 There is no god. ] :::mm-kami-no [ 犬神がいます。 There is a dog god. ] :::mm-inugami-yes [ 犬神は指がほしいです。 The dog god wants fingies. ] :::mm-inugami-yubi-hoshii [ 犬神に指をあげなさい。 Give the dog god fingies! ] :::mm-inugami-yubi-agenasai [ 美味しい指です。 They're tasty fingies. ] :::mm-oishii-yubi 美味しい おいしい tasty, delicious, lecker :::mm-oishii Anime :::mm-anime Learned in Japan :::mm-nihon-ni 冒険 ぼうけん adventure :::mm-bouken [ learned from おしれのぼうけん Oshire's Adventure, a book I bought in Japan ] :::mm-oshire-no-bouken
mindmap {{日本語}} ::icon(fa fa-circle) :::mm-nihongo Random words :::mm-random-words 明後日 あさって übermorgen or "the day after tomorrow" 😋 :::mm-uebermorgen 外人 がいじん foreigner :::mm-gaijin Body :::mm-body 手 て Hand :::mm-hand 毛 け Hair :::mm-hair Manners :::mm-manners めしあがれ enjoy your meal :::mm-enjoy Hiding your own opinion. :::mm-opinions 本音 ほんね Your true opinion :::mm-honne 音 おと Sound :::mm-oto 建前 たてまえ The culturally appropriate opinion :::mm-tatemae Grammar and spelling :::mm-grammar Some words are only a single mora. This bothers me. :::mm-one-mora 気 き Spirit :::mm-spirit 木 き Tree :::mm-tree 目 め Eye :::mm-eye 絵 え Picture :::mm-picture Many words are homonyms :::mm-homonym いちご :::mm-ichigo 苺 いちご Strawberry :::mm-strawberry 一号 いちご Number one "the best" :::mm-number-one Some Kanji have multiple readings. This too bothers me. :::mm-multiple-kanji-readings 新しい あたらしい New :::mm-atara-reading 新 しん :::mm-shin-reading [ Some characters in Katakana are very close to each other ソ so - ン n ツ tsu - シ shi ] :::mm-sontsushi Technology :::mm-tech [パソコン pasokon - perso-nal com-puter] :::mm-pasokon Math and Numbers :::mm-math 七: なな and しち both mean 7, but しち sounds like death, so isn't always used :::mm-shichi Music :::mm-music Other Music :::mm-other-music [ 新宝島 しんたからじま https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LIlZCmETvsY ] :::mm-shin-takarajima 新 しん new. Often used in names such as 新宿 しんじゅく :::mm-shin [ 宝島 たからじま Treasure Island しま becomes じま in a compound word I guess ] :::mm-takarajima Aiobahn :::mm-aiobahn INTERNET YAMERO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51GIxXFKbzk :::mm-internet-yamero-aiobahn 止めろ やめろ STOP :::mm-aibahn-yamero 宙でおやすみ ちゅうでおやすみ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3z8y7enYB30 :::mm-chuu-de-oyasumi [ 夢に落ちる ゆめにおちる Falling into a dream ] :::mm-yume-ni-ochiru [ 空が落ちる そらがおちる The sky is falling ] :::mm-sora-ga-ochiru 鹿乃 Kano :::mm-kano I can't write her name easily. The first Kanji is しか and the second appears with かの as you might expect :::mm-kano-kanji Has a very calming voice :::mm-kano-desc HOPE https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm34341377 :::mm-kano-hope [ 本当の君の顔 ほんとうのきみのかお Your true face ] :::mm-kano-hontou-no-kimi-no-kao 君 きみ You, familiar :::mm-kano-kimi 本当 ほんとう True :::mm-kano-hontou 顔 かお face :::mm-kano-kao [ 本当の自分 ほんとうのじぶん true self ] :::mm-kano-hontou-no-jibun Pop Music :::mm-pop-music [ 初音ミク はつねみく Hatsune Miku ] :::mm-hatsune-miku [ 初音 はつね First warbling of the New Year ] :::mm-hatsune ミク Miku https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dYB0xfE7qs :::mm-miku エビチャーハン - You're saying a shrimp fried this rice!? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s742C0v5SFI :::mm-youre-saying-a-shrimp-fried-this-rice You can't escape Shrimp Miku https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EgCJhuOmW6Y :::mm-shrimp-miku-sees-you-when-youre-sleeping 海老 えび Shrimp :::mm-ebi 炒飯 ちゃーはん Cha-han https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chahan_%28dish%29 :::mm-cha-han YOASOBI :::mm-yoasobi [ 夜 よる Night 遊び あそび Play ] :::mm-yoasobi-meaning YOASO鼻 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D2VryLndqhg :::mm-yoaso-bi 鼻 はな Means nose, but sounds like bi in Chinese. :::mm-hana-bi [ 怪物 かいぶつ Monster BEASTARS opening song ] :::mm-kaibutsu [ 強くならたい つよくなりたい ] :::mm-tsuyoku-naritai 強い つよい To be strong or resilient :::mm-tsuyoi なりたい To want to become something :::mm-kaibutsu-naritai [ Minami 美波 みなみ ] :::mm-minami ZUTOMAYO https://zutomayo.net/ :::mm-zutomayo [ 優しく Last Smile やさしく Last Smile Kind Last Smile ] :::mm-yasashiku-last-smile [ 優しくなりたい I want to be kind https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-z0-W61xLw ] :::mm-yasashiku-naritai [ 本当は十一時に寝たんだ ほんとうはじゅういちじにねたんだ ] :::mm-hontou-wa-juuichi-ji-ni-netanda 本当 ほんとう Truth :::mm-yasashiku-hontou 十一 じゅういち Eleven :::mm-yasashiku-juuichi 時 じ Hour, o'clock :::mm-yasashiku-ji に Particle indicating movement or pointing to where or when :::mm-yasashiku-ni 寝た ねた Was sleeping :::mm-yasashiku-neta んだ Explanation particle :::mm-yasashiku-nda もりもり has some cool ZUTOMAYO shitpost videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7t3aYNmUQww :::mm-morimori 歌声 うたごえ Singing voice. :::mm-utagoe 声 こえ Voice :::mm-koe 歌 うた Song :::mm-uta [ ACAねさんの歌声はきれいです ACA-ne-san's singing voice is beautiful. ] :::mm-acane-no-utagoe My favorite J-Pop band :::mm-liebe-zutomayo はゔぁ Have a :::mm-hava [ tell me tell me crunchy crunchy crunchy crunchy crunchy crunchy なあああああ ] :::mm-hava-crunchy Song has a really weird name with vu ゔ :::mm-vu 物語 ものがたり Story :::mm-monogatari [ 洞窟の物語 どうくつのものがたり Cave Story https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cave_Story ] :::mm-cavestory 胸の煙 むねのけむり https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQPgM-9LatM :::mm-mune-no-kemuri [ My favorite line: 辛いより、もっと辛いより it's painful, more than painful ] :::mm-tsurai-yori 辛い つらい painful or spicy :::mm-tsurai I saw this word in Japanese restaurants :::mm-tsurai-spotted 花一匁 はないちもんめ :::mm-hana-ichi-monme [ It's a game played by schoolchildren. Two teams play じゃんけん, rock paper scissors, against each other, one player at a time. There's also a song chanted between each round. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FdxspRjiEjs ] :::mm-hana-ichi-monme-desc 宵々古今 よいよいここん by REOL also mentions this game https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8IK6eLTNV1k :::mm-hana-yoiyoi-kokon こんなこと騒動 こんなことそうどう https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlA-Z7zSLHU :::mm-konna-koto-soudou [ My favorite part of the song: いつしか現れる 同じ熱の途方もない憂いにも いつしか助けられる まだ諦めの**悪い夢**に頼ってしまうから ] :::mm-endless-sorrow 悪い わるい Bad. :::mm-warui ワルイージ Waluigi gets his name from this word. https://mario.fandom.com/de/wiki/Waluigi :::mm-waruigi 夢 ゆめ Dream ###mm-yume-ni-ochiru :::mm-yume [ ばかじゃないのに Even though I'm not stupid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YgmFIVOR1-I ] :::mm-baka-janai-noni ばか Stupid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNeyqFfXf7k :::mm-baka じゃない Negating the adjective :::mm-janai 「靴に石入っても」 Even if a stone gets into my shoes :::mm-kutsu-ni-ishi 靴 くつ Shoes :::mm-kutsu 靴下 くつした Socks :::mm-kutsushita 上着 うわぎ Jacket :::mm-uwagi に Particle marking movement to something. Similar to nach :::mm-ni 石 いし Stone :::mm-ishi 入って Enter, go into :::mm-haitte も Particle which has a meaning of also :::mm-mo BTS :::mm-bts They sing Japanese songs too, even though they're Korean https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9IHwqdz8Xhw :::mm-bts-japanese-korean Youtubers :::mm-youtubers Kaname Naito :::mm-kaname-naito やつ Random object or derogatory reference to person https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ROcSmpXFEn8 :::mm-yatsu-kaname [ In the song 暗く黒く くらくくろく by ZUTOMAYO: やつが暗く黒く やつがくらくくろく ] :::mm-yatsu-ga-kuraku-kuroku やつ That thing :::mm-yatsu 暗く くらく Dark :::mm-kuraku 黒く くろく Black :::mm-kuroku 暗く黒く Pitch black, very dark :::mm-kuraku-kuroku-explanation Vtubers :::mm-vtubers [ 森カリオペ Mori Calliope https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XW3-enNF1-4 ] :::mm-mori-calliope Left for Dead Lullaby :::mm-lullaby 愛の唄でおやすみよ :::mm-lullaby-ai-no-uta-de 愛 あい Love :::mm-lullaby-ai 唄 うた Song, only traditional :::mm-lullaby-唄 歌 うた、Song, any song :::mm-lullaby-歌 おやすみ Rest、Sleep :::mm-oyasumi [ 未来島 みらいしま Future Island - One Piece https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Sb4wxbHh-4 ] :::mm-mirai-shima [ 未来最高 みらいさいこう "The future rules" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AsDleJoDnjE ] :::mm-mirai-saikou I don't like the song that much, but it's funny how Mori exaggerates the pronunciation of 正義 せいぎ :::mm-seigi-exaggerate 正義 せいぎ Justice :::mm-seigi The Marines in One Piece have this written on their uniforms https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/Justice :::mm-marine-seigi まさよし is an alternate reading of 正義 used as a family name :::mm-masayoshi [ Gawr Gura AKA Gooba https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7U6eHY1M9WM ] :::mm-gooba 強風オールバック https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMQ4P-vI3JI :::mm-gooba-kyoufuu [ 強風 きょうふう A windstorm ] :::mm-starkwind [ オールバック all back ] :::mm-orubakku [ 天気はいいのに進めない Even though the weather is nice I can't proceed ] :::mm-tenki-wa-ii-noni-susumenai 天気 てんき Weather :::mm-tenki は Subject particle :::mm-ha いい Good. Can sound suggestive in the wrong context :::mm-ii のに Particle "even though" :::mm-noni -ない Negates the verb :::mm-nai 進め すすめ To proceed or move forward :::mm-susume [ in ZUTOMAYO's song 「秒針を噛む」 they also use this word 「本当を知らないまま**進む**のさ」 I'm moving forward without knowing the truth ] :::mm-zutomayo-forward-truth 本当 ほんとう Truth :::mm-hontou を Particle that indicates the object of the verb :::mm-wo 知ら しら I know :::mm-shira のさ Filler particle used in songs :::mm-nosa [ 小鳥遊キアラ Takanashi Kiara https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G8qlak8h_wo ] :::mm-takanashi-kiara [ 小さい ちいさい Small 鳥 とり Bird 遊ぶ あそぶ Play. YOASOBI ] :::mm-small-bird-play いいやーいいやーいいやー https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5yfM_UlucY :::mm-iiya-song いいや A dismissive phrase."Psh. Whatever" :::mm-iiya-word [ 能天気スタイル のうてんき Style a laid-back and carefree style ] :::mm-noutenki-style 天気 てんき Weather :::mm-tenki-2 犬神ころね Inugami Korone https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RoSs9-NDP3E :::mm-inugami-korone [ 犬神 いぬがみ A dog god created by torturing a dog. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inugami ] :::mm-inugami 指 ゆび finger https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3eXwtHDze88 :::mm-yubi 犬 いぬ dog :::mm-inu [ 犬がいます。 There is a dog. ] :::mm-inu-yes [ 犬がいません。 There is no dog. ] :::mm-inu-no [ 神がいます。 There is a god. ] :::mm-kami-yes [ 神がいません。 There is no god. ] :::mm-kami-no [ 犬神がいます。 There is a dog god. ] :::mm-inugami-yes [ 犬神は指がほしいです。 The dog god wants fingies. ] :::mm-inugami-yubi-hoshii [ 犬神に指をあげなさい。 Give the dog god fingies! ] :::mm-inugami-yubi-agenasai [ 美味しい指です。 They're tasty fingies. ] :::mm-oishii-yubi 美味しい おいしい tasty, delicious, lecker :::mm-oishii Anime :::mm-anime Learned in Japan :::mm-nihon-ni 冒険 ぼうけん adventure :::mm-bouken [ learned from おしれのぼうけん Oshire's Adventure, a book I bought in Japan ] :::mm-oshire-no-bouken